Memorial trophy at the golf club.

We had a working bee at the golf club this morning, starting at 9.00am. It was fine when we left home, but started raining a bit after 10.00am. By the time we came home about 1.30pm, PJ was soaked as he had been outside clearing away manuka, hawthorne, brambles, fern etc.
I was at the club house, and I finally got to finish a project I had started a few years ago. I had photographed all the trophies, and today, I wrote down what they were for, and who had won them and the years they were won in.
The photo is a memorial trophy given to the club when one of our members died back in 2012. He was renowned for complaining (in a fun way) about how much more distance the woman were given before teeing off! We always told him, it was the one time that the woman won out.
As we came back home, the road was completely dry, and that was only 8 minutes up the road. I was talking to another lady who had been there too, and she lives about 1/2 an hour away in the other direction, and she said that the car they were following was throwing out dust!!
But we didn't miss out on the rain, as it came through soon after.
Off to town in the morning, got camera club tomorrow night and Yuk! the dentist in the morning.

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