Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks


With the decorating of the hall finished we treated ourselves to a day out at Loch of Kinnordy. Highlight had to be this Osprey fishing. This fish he ate himself on a post on the far side of the loch, he then caught another which he flew off with, possibly for his mate who'd be incubating their eggs.

The other bird of note was a rather elusive Ruff. RCB's chosen to blip this rather than the Osprey in that he's counting on us visiting Lady at Loch of the Lowes soon. That makes 126 Species in 126 days in 2014 for him, but with the recent spate of decorating he's used up a lot of his easy to find birds, so I suspect the run may be ending soon. Anyway he's been a lot more conscientious about keeping up with blip than I've been! 3rd April was my last blip, but the photos are all there, just a case of catching up with the back-blips.

So back home and Mrs L decides we're not finished decorating the hall and wants another ¾ strip put up to complete the run into the kitchen. First it's too wide, take it off, trim it again and finally we can say we've finished decorating the hall. Yes Mrs L?

Settle down to watch Hibs on Alba. Two games left to avoid the relegation play-offs, all we need do is beat Ross County tonight or beat Kilmarnock at the weekend. Mmmmm, well all we need do is beat Kilmarnock at the weekend.

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