Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


So, I was getting ready for work and almost ready to leave... G was going to drop me and already dressed when suddenly - she received a text to say Albert was in school!!! Well, she had to quickly change and we were out asap and I even got to work on time (all things considering). However, as it was SO unexpected, neither of us had any lunch to take with us.

This is not normally a problem because up to 3 weeks ago, there were regular small business vendors who visited the office bringing a selection of sandwiches etc. However, unbelievably, the building management have decided to ban this as they prefer that their tenants' employees purchase food from their own outlets!!! I am, on principle, boycotting them. It posed a problem today though.

Went down to the shop and came back with the above - out of their limited small selection. Something didn't look right, and on closer inspection, realised there are 5 layers of bread!! The middle one definitely didn't have anything on either side. So . . . what's it all about? And if it's to be eaten in one go - how DO you get your mouth around 5 layers of bread?? I'm afraid the middle slice went to bread heaven.

Nice quiet evening and it is THURSDAY tomorrow!! YAY! :D (Do I sound excited?? I'm only a little bit excited.)

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