
Rain, rain and more rain today.
Dreary rain and drizzle and dullness!!
Just the day for going to Mrs L's, drinking tea, chatting and relaxing.
Or mostly relaxing.
There was an incident involving an escaped cow, a tractor and a postman.
And eight million phone calls, nephews being accidentally thrown falling backwards off the sofa.
And enormous bulls staring at me constantly through the window. Looking ready to charge!
It's all go over there!!
Miss L fell asleep on the way home - after all the excitement - and I just had time to wrap up a few eBay parcels, rush to pick up Miss E, dash to the post office to post the parcels, hurry to the swimming pool, run to pay for parking and discover......
...... that I'd left the bag full of swimming stuff in my hallway.
Miss L had woken up a bit grizzly and had been whinging that she didn't want to go swimming. I'd spent the whole journey bribing her with the promise of chocolate afterwards.
When she discovered we weren't going swimming she wasn't best impressed at the lack of chocolate and whinged a bit more.
A quick run round Tescos for some essentials - like food, milk and toilet roll - and then home for dinner and Winnie-the-Pooh before bed.

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