The Saga Continues... Crow vs Raccoon

It began with crows vs seagull. Next came crows vs raven. The next step was very exciting, crows vs bald eagle. And today a new pinnacle of crow chasing away intruders: crow vs raccoon. This is not one of "our" crows, at least I don't think so, as ours have nests near our house. This was taking place down at the path leading to Scudder Pond.

So... I was wandering down to the park, on a sunny day, using my brain for a change and not needing to get in out of the rain. I was happy. Almost singing. When slowly but surely I realized there was one really annoyed crow, scolding away way up in a tree. "Wait a minute," I thought, "I had better investigate this." So I wandered my way around the tree. I could see the crow but not what was bothering it. And then I noticed what looked like fur. "What?" I finally found an angle where I could see the little bandit face looking back down at me. I took a bunch of shots and got just two with actual crow feathers in them. This is one of those. After a while the crow gave up and flew off.

I went about my business and meandered around looking for better blips, but thinking, "it's probably going to be crow vs raccoon." On the way home, I heard the ruckus again. This time I could see the crow bothering the back side of the raccoon, who by now was sound asleep. From the front all I could see was the back of its head and its ears. It had no intention of leaving its cozy spot for a nap. The crow even flew up and grabbed tufts of fur in its beak. (The shots I got of that were too blurry but made me laugh when I saw them anyway.) I do wonder what the crows will be bothering next. Not that the raccoon was all that bothered. Sorry crow but it is Raccoon 1, Crow 0.

Sorry to all you early commenters. I decided to change the photo to just the one with crow and little bandit face.

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