Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

Listen up!

One of several golden ears made by my friend and fellow Norwich Dandie Eloise. These were scattered around the church, hung on the walls and this was given to me by Eloise. I'm still wondering where to hang it.

It's been great to have some down time today to do not very much and now that I've got a bit of time to reflect I certainly feel bigger, brighter, bolder (and a bit nackered if I'm honest) and much more confident as a photographer. Most people loved my work, some called it brave, someone asked me if I thought photography depicted the truth, someone else hated it and thinks I'm a Marxist. Mind you, they - one of the EDL / East Anglian Patriot supporters - think everyone in Norwich who is on the Left is a Marxist.

Other people kept their thoughts to themselves. All of which is perfectly okay. And preferable to being ignored.

Hopefully I'll catch up on everyone's journals soon.

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