Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

MonoMonday - Streetscape - The Main Drag

Hunter Street would be the main street of Newcastle's non existent CBD. In actual fact it is Hunter St only from just past the last parked car on the right hand side of the road and what you are really seeing is Scott St but the two merge at the end of the mall and it continues on some distance to Newcastle West.

It was sort of made infamous by "The Newcastle Song" back in the mid 70's by Bob Hudson. If you are interested in a listening here is a link. I remember as a young kid thinking it was very funny. Times change. Sadly the Parthenon milk bar is no longer there and the Mall and western end were very neglected but there has been a lot of progress made by Marcus Westbury in a Revive Newcastle movement which has found tenants for long vacant buildings and brought some life into the city.

When I first moved to Newcastle in the mid 80's you could safely shoot a canon down Hunter St and know for certain that no one would get hurt. Well tonight at 6 pm it was almost the same thing, well maybe not quite by those light trails but I had definitely missed the peak hour.

Another thing of note is the railway line to the right. They have been talking about stopping the railway line at the Western end of Hunter Street since I moved to Newcastle (and probably before) but that is another story. One very successful project in my time there has been the development of the harbour shore. But that too is another story.

Thanks very much for hosting Paladian

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