
By foxfollower

Making Plans

Val has received the designs from the architects for the landscaping of our Quaker burial ground, and circulated them for comments. The architects' working title for the project is Quaker Park - sounds very grand! Each of the designs is very creative and attractive, so I'm sure that the final result will be a beautiful space which will be an amenity for the whole community.

We're not restricted to choosing one out of the three, but can combine elements from each of them in a 'mix and match' style. I'm very attracted by the idea of having a grass labyrinth as a spiritual focal point, and also by using some planting to help screen the surrounding car park and create a calm reflective space within. So hopefully we can use the most interesting aspects of all three designs to come up with our final plan. Planting is scheduled to start in the autumn - am very excited about the way this is developing!

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