Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

Takes my breath away....

What a glorious day today has been! We had such a dreich, rainy day yesterday, that it feels as if someone has just flicked a switch and given us the opposite.

So - here was the choice I made. I took pictures of one of my collections.

It was a collection of stoor collected under the kitchen table.

Does everyone know what stoor is? If you do, do you have a collection of it, too?

Anyway, also in the running were several shots taken on the road to Gairloch this morning. I could not believe how green and blue the sea was. I always associate the greeness of the sea with sand underneath the water. However, there was such a huge amount of green today, I feel that the rocks cannot all have disappeared.

Is there another reason for the colours?

By the way, it was pointed out to me by my friend James that the horizon I see from where I live is so wide (Cuillins of Skye stretching to the lights of Stornoway), that the horizon is bevelled, following the curvature of the earth. I wondered why my image would not go 'straight', no matter what I tried.

So.............. stoor v view, view v stoor

What a tough choice.

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