Lesser kestrel elegantly crossing her claws

Too windy to walk in the vineyards this morning so it was up to the woods instead. There were some magpies around but no little birds singing although round the house the nightingales are bursting with song. Then did some gardening before sneaking up and down the track looking for the golden orioles who were singing their hearts out- there were several sightings and more this evening. Had lunch with dianah, so good to see her again, after which I sat in her bedroom for a couple of hours to watch a pair of lesser kestrels coming in to feed their young under the eaves of the house opposite. What magic. They have obviously decided their sacred site at the village of St Pons de Mauchiens is too overcrowded last year's blip of the lesser kestrel for Diana thinks there are two pairs here in our village. Do you remember my saga with the centipede last year? Well one kestrel sat on the tv aerial with a centipede in its beak for a while before disappearing under the tiles the other side of the house. Imagine my surprise when a few minutes later it appeared on the gutter in front of me with the centipede still firmly clamped in its beak. Obviously it was too big for the little ones for he flew off with it immediately. Oh and when I turned out a flower pot this morning there was a lizard inside and I forgot to tell you that on Saturday evening D’s mate took me on his Cross Country motor cycle all the way to Meze where he had oysters and I had a yummy chocolate confection sitting beside the yacht marina smelling the salty sea.
2 pics of the kestrel with the centipede

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