
By IntothewildMan

Clematis montana

It has been lovely weather today for a pleasant change; the chill wind has gone and the afternoon was almost cloudless. Most of the day I have been reading and working from home. The challenge is to stay focused, since some of what I have to read is not really very interesting to me. So easy when you work from home to be less than productive. I have been tracking myself. I notice sometimes I just get up and go to make a cup of tea...not because I really want one, but because I am bored. Aversive behaviour. Means it will take longer to complete the work, and the boredom will go on for longer! So I did my best to do short focused bursts of reading and then go and do other stuff. Every couple of hours a bit of physical exercise or a few minutes in the garden. Anyway this work will soon be finished now and I can go on to other stuff.
Meanwhile during one of my breaks I worked out a really good guitar arrangement for an old Genesis tune, For Absent Friends, which I have always liked. The blue alpine clematis has finished flowering but the pink montana clematis, I think it is 'Elizabeth". has just come into flower. So that is today's blip.

P.S. Just backblipped yesterday's picture.

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