What do do when the loader isn't working.

This is PJ using the digger this evening to pull the boat up the beach on the trailer.
I absolutely refuse to drive the digger: One; because I don't want to, & Two; Because I haven't been taught how to!
I have this saying that, "Woman can do anything, but there are some things this woman doesn't want to do." Shearing a sheep and milking a cow were the two that I do not want to do, and now driving a digger has been added to the list.
PJ went off to do some more milling this morning, and the dogs and I got a lift with him to the golf club, then we walked back from there. One the way home we found a couple of our mussel farm floats on the beach. This is why we launched the boat late this afternoon, to go and see if we could find any more. It appears that a bundle of them has come loose (again!) and could be anywhere, also, they have most likely all come off the rope and are just drifting around separately.

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