
By Lightfantastic

In the Pink

The slr is a bit poorly and u/s at the moment so it will have to go away to be repaired and cleaned. This means I really will have to put the SX50 through its paces. H gave me this gerbera on Mothering Sunday back in |March. It sits on the windowsill by my computer which it seems to like.
Tackled the garden. Gofer had to empty a couple of the compost bins which meant evicting a few slowworms but hopefully they will take up residence in one of the others. Found Stumpy and one baby by the green house so they are really moving around. We have to be so careful when digging, weeding and tidying.
Several broods of newly fledged house sparrows are cheeping away clinging to whatever perch they can find, the parents busy finding food on the bird table and taking it to them. Still quite a chill wind so not many butterflies around though have found several 2 & 7 spot ladybirds over recend days. The swifts arrived about 10 days ago but haven't started screeming yet.

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