Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths

Somewhere over …. Australia

Up early and lots of last minute gear, house preparations etc … as usual, ran out the door to get the taxi at 8.15 feeling slightly unprepared, what have I forgotten ..

Airport, then on the Singapore 777, to … Singapore. 10.5 hours later arrived, and a pretty good flight. Staff were very good and food all good, a mix of movies, work and reading.

And then Singapore, but, 31 degrees. Into town to the Hotel, the Santa Grand Hotel Lai Chun Yuen, right in the middle of Chinatown …

I’d read the reviews and they said small, but think seriously small, and only 3 beds, and no windows! But, has A/C and literally you walk out the door to the food and street markets, so actually perfect for us, for one night.

Dinner on the street, and a lovely vendor helped sort us out, get drinks etc, very friendly. Several cold Tigers later, off for a quick tour of Chinatown, despite Hannah’s protestations (it was after midnight) then back the hotel to bed.

Tomorrow, Vietnam!

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