Old and new.

We went with my uncle and his girlfriend to Vaala, which is a small town near Puolanka. I haven't never visited Vaala, just passed by few times.
Our mission was to find some stuff to my uncle's boat. Also uncle's girlfriend had told me, that there is many second hand store's and antique boutiques, when I told her about one cupboard I want. So we went to see if we can find one or something else.

I think I've never really bought much from second hand stores, especially not clothes, maybe some cups etc. Well, today and yesterday have been eexceptional: yesterday I found from Puolanka's second hand store two jackets! Both look like new, no stains or anything. They both fit for me and look like just bought from "real" shop. Other cost 6euros and other 2,50euros so CHEAP !! And I really need springjacket, because I've got none. I haven't seen a jacket that I like in the shops, some jacket which were OK looking but still not perfect cost 39,90€ and it didn't look good on me.. Now I have two and they cost 8,50euros together. The other is "perfect" but the other is .. I don't know real word for it.. Maybe I have to pimp it or just need to learn how to wear it, because it looks good!

Well, today I found a old white denim jacket from the secondhand store. I want to pimp it to look little more fashionable, but I don't know yet what I'm gonna do with it, have google :D
Also I found that shirt (maybe from 70's?)which is hanging on the pic. It doesn't look that ugly really like in the pic. I didn't buy it for me, I love the fabric and I want to re-use it but don't know yet how, maybe I have to google it too ;)
(I've wanted for few years to tune old clothes, but haven't got time and proper interest&imagination for that, now I'm hoping to get it..)
Also I founded those old recepi-cards for Otto. I want him to cook from those to me =)

Then I founded from one normalshop a PINK ladle, new cheese slicer, stand for my jewelry (with a clock, which I need in the toilet), a turquise cute jar and a mint colored plush toy for Peppi who turned 2-years little more than week ago, for birthday and souvenier.

Thanks for everyone from viewing, commenting, liking my yesterdays blip! That pic was on the "spotlight" and I'm really ashtonished =) For me, over 60 views it alot!

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