Keith B

By keibr

Busy as a bee

This morning was sunny and warm, with very little wind. As I was passing the blackcurrant bush to get in the car and drive to work I could hear a loud humming. Inspecting the bush closely I saw it was full of small bees, and one bumble bee. They were collecting pollen from the minute flowers on the bush. In fact the flowers are so small I didn't really see them properly until I looked at this photograph. However, that didn't deter the bees who meandered from flower to flower.
I stopped to take a few photos and began to hear the birds too.
It seemed a very nice place to be, sitting in the warm sun, listening to the birds and the hum of bees working very diligently all around me. I really didn't feel like following their example and racing diligently off to work.
However, after a few moments of contemplation I decided there was a lot of stuff to get done today and continued to the car. Such is life!
In the evening we were at Krister's 60th birthday party. It was a lovely event because we could all sit out and eat on their veranda in the warm setting sun. Later as the sun went down, and the mosquitoes came out we retreated into the house to listen to Krister and three other friends playing rock music. They have spent a lot of time playing together and sounded really good!

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