Gavlars Journal

By Gavlar

Meet Grant

This is my mate Grant.

He is one of the healthiest, fittest, outgoing people I have met. He has taught myself, my kids and our friends how to make the most of the outdoors including swimming, surfing, fishing, boating, snow skiing, mountaineering and mountain biking.

On the 29th March 2013 Grant was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia.

Over the past 12 months he has had numerous rounds of Chemotherapy, Blood Transfusions, biopsies and in October last year he had a Bone Marrow Transplant. He lost his hair, his weight, his strength and his appearance Up until 2 months ago he has spewed EVERY day at least two or three times. He has been a very sick man and has been on a concoction of drugs during this period of his illness.

What he hasn't lost is his will to live or his mental ability to overcome this setback and over the past two months is on track to gain back his life again.

I am inspired daily by this guy who has a never give up attitude and has never once said ' Why Me'?

Today we went back to the Redwoods Mountain Bike tracks in Rotorua and rode 25kms of down hill trails.

Grant is a special fella in my life who reminds me daily to never give up, value what you have, and to 'deal with crap that needs dealing to' .

Cheers mate. Your a legend - Gav

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