Paperdoll Debris

By jesafly

writers' festival

A very enjoyable break from a busy time going to see extremely interesting people at the Auckland Writers' Festival.

Johnathan Glancy spoke about Why Architecture Matters.

Jim Al-Khalili, Yasmine El Rashidi & Reza Aslan discussed Western perceptions of the Middle East.

Jim Al-Khalili answered some of science's Big Questions.

Eleanor Catton charmed everyone, especially John Campbell who was so obviously enjoying interviewing her about her book, The Luminaries, and what it's like being a Booker Prize Winner.

Reza Aslan talked about the Politics of Prophets and what religion is.

Ngahuia Te Awekotuku, Eleanor Catton, Jessica Jackley & Sandi Toksvig discussed Gender Divides.

and Yasmine El Rashidi talked about the Unfinished Revolution in Eygpt.

All such interesting people, I wanted all of all of their books, but had to settle for just these few, and the addition of a slim poetry & graphic art work book by Inua Ellams who I didn't get to see. After all, I have a few unread at home already!

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