
By TrishaR

Parading the Cup

I bet there were a lot of sare heids in Perth this morning after the big win yesterday!

But no time to rest as the players paraded the cup in the open top bus, lead by a pipe band starting at McDiarmid Park and winding it's way down to the City Centre. It must have been an amazing sight from the top of the bus, the streets ahead of them awash with a sea of blue. I remember our 800 celebrations in November 2010 and thinking then how busy the centre was. Today surpassed that.

There was a stage set up at the concert hall, and the Chairman of the club gave a speech, a few of the players got a chance to speak to the masses before they all headed for a Civic Reception in the local hotel. Cue crowd singing once again to a Saintees favourite - Sweet Caroline.

... and the sun shone :-)

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