Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox


Is it a whale? Is it a dolphin?

No its young Albert doing his impression of a submarine!!! He hasn't quite mastered the dive yet but he has only today and tomorrow to perfect it, because this is the last week of the swimming programme! He is so determined!

Next week its athletics!

Sitting just watching started me thinking of the tremendous amount of water this city uses, especially with the showers, the baths, the swimming pools and the ordinary everyday tasks of washing clothes and cleaning dishes. The dish task is traditionally done under running water! Take into account the number of times the loo flushes and the possible domestic water leaks.....then.......

.....Top it with the commercial establishments running hotels and restaurants. The hospitals and schools airports and bus stations, car washes and laundries.

Then start expanding into the greening of this city with all the plants, gardens parks and rest areas, the farms and building projects.......the list is endless......

...and all this in a desert!

Most of our water is desalinated and I'm wondering when the Arabian Gulf is going to be emptied!!!!

Makes you stop and marvel doesn't it!! ??

Happy Blipping Everyone!

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