
By lorric123

Cakes, Glorious Cakes!

As an aspie, the social thing to me sucks. I can't do it, at least not well. I mumble, my default expression is a scowl and I have a huge personal space bubble. So doing a cake sale for charity at Rickmansworth Festival was a big deal to me.

One of my many Masi's is big on helping others. And she's brilliant at it. She decided to hold a cupcake sale for the second year runing for Sparks charity 'Bake For Bumps' (google it). And, with my families help and over 300 cupcakes later, we managed to raise over £500 for the aforementioned charity. The whole thing is a huge achievement, but I am so proud of my Masi. She organised the whole thing completely unselfishly, gave up a good few days of her life and a decent wad of her paycheck all for charity.
And brought out the inner 'nice person' in me. Now that takes some work!

“Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.”

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