entrances + exits: mono monday!

This was my favorite variation. I don't always like the "Soften" effect, but in this case I think it works. I have unsaturated this door that is painted Red in real life- see it here. I tried taking photos of the whole door, but fell for the image of just the handle. Doesn't it look like you could make a grand entrance with that handle?

I played around with the image in PicMonkey, coming up with a half a dozen mono variations, but navigated back to this dreamy one for my journal entry. Thank you Paladian, for hosting this popular challenge. I can see why it's so popular! I find it definitely a challenge to do, but one that I welcome. Mono Monday gets me to stretch myself in ways I would not have gone, except to meet the challenge. Good stuff!

Now, can you guess where this door is located?? Some on you may know -I think I have photographed it before. If you don't guess it, I will add an edit later! :)

EDIT: Well, it was harder to guess where this door is located than I thought it would be. We have taken photos in front of it before and so I thought perhaps you might have seen it . . . it is unusual for the type of door that it is. I had guesses of perhaps a garden house or horse stables and some people had no idea! My friend Ann Hall has an advantage -she's been there before! She said, "I knew once I saw the whole door..." (meaning the extra photos linked to). This is the front door of my parent's home here in Bradenton, FL! Sadly, my dad passed away in 2011, but I still think of this as my parent's home and my mom still lives here with her 3 lively dogs. Anika has passed away, but now mom has Beda . . . so that is the story!!

And I just discovered this mono monday image has hit the spotlight -how exciting! Thanks so much for your attention to my journal.❤ Your time and attention is very much appreciated!

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