Girls just wanna have fun

I recently bought one of those little combined TV/DVD players, so I can make a start on my great stash of unwatched DVDs.
No problem with playing DVDs, but the TV input isn't compatible with our indoor aerial.
Oh well, says Mr. Beewatcher, you can just use it for DVDs, you can always watch some TV on your laptop.
Thinking there must be a way round the problem, I took myself off to an electronics retailer and bought this little beauty - an MCX to COAX adaptor, or mini TV antenna adaptor, as I'm sure you knew already.
Result , working TV ( with shopping channels ! ), and one amazed husband.

I'm quite pleased with myself.

And since the MCX to COAX adaptor is actually quite small, I've shown it resting on a coaster showing some products from The Museum of Brands, which We Really Must Get To One Day.

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