Wallbridge lock basin looking up towards Hill Paul

Busy, busy day of meetings, emails going to and fro, problems being discussed, long term planning starting and documents being prepared.

Then down to the canal to recce a photo call of all the Working Group for Friday evening. I have to take a few pictures for the press release which is going to the two local newspapers for next week editions.

The view here is looking eastwards up the valley of the river Frome, which the Thames and Severn canal was built beside in the 1790s originally. It is in the process of being renovated in sections and this stretch is due to be dredged later this year. The bank on the left is rather unstable and needs to be supported with piles eventually to allow development of the land above it. The big red brick building is called Hill Paul and was saved from destruction in the 1990s after much protesting. Originally it was a clothing factory but now it is a very popular development of flats. I have been asked to speak at the AGM of the housing tenants of Hill Paul next week about the Neighbourhood Plans whose focus will partly be on this whole area adjacent to the canal. I hope to be allowed to go up onto the top of the building and take pictures from there looking out over the whole town. I may even be able to blip from there!

The old stone warehouse on the wharf is a listed building and is in great need of some care and attention. Our Preservation Trust is trying to make sure it is looked after properly once the new housing developments that are imminent get underway. It would make a good canal side community venue, but will need a lot of money too.

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