
By FredaH

Call For Help:

Cc will have to put up this blip for me.

I got up feeling great, my daughter would be coming to collect me and we would be going to town together. Then at 7.30am, as I was eating my breakfast, my right arm became sore and numb. I couldn't feel my hand. I called Sue. When she got over it felt a bit better and warmer. She went home to get ready for taking me out.

When she came back she said she was calling the doctor. My own doctor came at 12 and found that I had no pulse in her right wrist. I had to be taken to hospital: my worst nightmare! I'm so used to hospitals, the treatment holds no fears BUT now I don't think I will be able to eat what they give me.

So with the strong possibility of an embolism in my arm I am in the Infirmary with a heparin drip awaiting a scan.

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