Gavlars Journal

By Gavlar

Overcoming Fear

Like many folk my age I have neglected my teeth over the past 30 years.

This fear is possibly due to the treatment received as a child in the 70s from the school dental nurse where I'm sure we're working from a quota system given by the government.

Whether this is true or not my experiences weren't flash and I was put off for life.

12 months ago I finally reneged to the fact that if I didn't act now it would soon become to late so 10 treatments later, 6 fillings, 1 extract, 1 root canal, 1 crown and a lot of life changing daily habits and I'm on the way to a healthy future in mouth hygiene.

The key to this has been the lovely Scotswoman Fiona and her great team, she is a hard case little red hen who has made this journey non stressful and pain free although a little worse for wear on the bank account.

Today I received my temporary crown before the real one arrives in two weeks. Fiona and I thought a little blip of the anaesthetic injection would make some of you curl your toes.

Let's hope it wears of before dinner.

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