Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Regent Street

Today I met a friend at the Photographer's Gallery just off Oxford Circus to see the work of the finalists in the Deutsche Börse Photography Prize. There were four finalists and quite frankly I am not sure how one of them even made it into the competition, his work was so uninspiring. The winner, however, had incredible landscapes of the Democratic Republic of Congo which had been shot on discontinued military surveillance infrared film which caused disorientating psychedelic colours - rolling hills of red vegetation with green rocks. There was also another exhibition by John Deakin on Soho in the 1950's and 1960's that included some brilliant portraits that I really enjoyed.

Afterwards I walked to Piccadilly Circus to take some photos but I rather liked these curves on Regent Street.

Last night driving home from the school play Thomas and I saw a really tiny fox cub in the middle of the road, quite bewildered by the car headlights. I stopped and waited for it to scamper off the road but it just stood there. It seemed to be on its own. Eventually it went to the side of the road and I drove off but we were so worried about it and today I am too nervous to drive along that road in case it became road kill during the night. Poor thing, I hope it survives.

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