Deer, deer, oh deer.

We breakfasted early and left straight away, which gave us time for a small diversion up to the Loch of the Lowes on the way home and a view of a different osprey on a nest (this one the famously elderly "Lady"). She's still got two eggs, after one was pinched by a crow, and they're due to hatch anytime soon. Whilst we were watching from one of the hides we saw three deer splash through the little burn just below the nest tree.

Then back to Edinburgh, traffic congestion and pouring rain. We popped out to vote where the clerk on duty in our local polling station turned out to be one of our allotment neighbours. He said that voting had been much brisker than they'd anticipated, so perhaps the turnout won't be as woefully low as forecast. Then on to a few errands, me to the bottlebank and the supermarket and Dave to the allotment to water in the nematodes who have been slumbering in the fridge since Tuesday, when they arrived in the post just before we left. Then I spent some time shifting files around in Dropbox, as you do. Oh, and back-blipped Tuesday and yesterday.

A pint with Malc is on the cards for later - just what's needed!

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