A Secret About A Secret

By pixel8

Glasgow School of Art.

Today I was in the fortunate position to have several hours to myself to take photographs in Glasgow. My target for the day was the Glasgow School of Art. Things started well enough. I made my way to Renfrew Street and managed to get a free parking space right outside the School. Over the past few years the GSofA has seen a period of remarkable development with the opening of the Reid Building. This is a modern take on the principles applied to the much older building which sits about 30 feet away at the opposite side of the street. What this building is famous for of course is its design. It is one of the most iconic buildings in the UK if not Europe. Designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh. It really is the most incredible piece of architecture. Most impressive of all is the library. It is floor to ceiling Mackintosh and is breathtaking in its functional elegance. Anyway I started taking photographs and was enjoying the detailed ironwork on the exterior of the Old School when I noticed smoke coming from a vent at street level. I initially wondered if it was fumes from a boiler. Then I noticed students streaming from the building and heard the firealarms ringing. To cut a 350 photograph story short, the next few hours saw fire take a devestating grip and destroy a large part of the Mackintosh building.

First and foremost, everybody got out of the building without injury I believe. What I saw though at various points around the building were sudents and staff watching helplessly as this stunning building was at least partially destroyed. Many were crying. I heard students anguish at up to 4 years work going up in smoke. I was told that final degree submissions was at 5pm tonight.

I struggled a little choosing which photograph to post today as I have plenty to choose from. This one just gives an idea of what the scene was like.

As it happens my stay in Glasgow was extended as I couldnt access my car whch was parked right outside the building beside one of the Fire Brigade Snorkels whch you see working here. Dr T and I managed to get it back about 9pm unscathed, just as it was about to be towed away to make room for more emergency vehicles. My offer to move it had been politely turned down earlier.

This really is a significant loss. If you havent ever seen the library - google it. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the building can be restored and brought back to its former glory. It will never be quite the same, but it absolutely can not be allowed to disappear without trace even if it is a modern restoration.

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