For Charlotte & Elliot

Day turned out better than expected. We didn't get any of the potential thunderstorms and enjoyed a sunny warm day.

Back in April when the weather was good I had wanted to get the pool cleaned up for the new season but the terrace needed to be cleaned and I knew that would result in lots of dirt and sand being splashed by the high pressure water jet in to the pool. Only got around to cleaning the terrace last week and now the pool water had turned green.

So a bigger job than it could have been, Angie luckily always happy to do the hard work while I operate various pumps and hoses. In the Blip she is actually in the pool, under the pool lining, vacuuming out some water and above all small stones that had seemingly got in between the lining and pool wall.

By evening always was ready and tomorrow comes the next big test - how many of the various pipes were damaged by frost and need to be replaced. Always a tense and usually wet time trying to tighten clamps etc.

So Charlotte, keep doing the swimming lessons so that I don't need to don my red swimming shorts and play David Hasselhoff.

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