Red, Green, and Blue

By GemmoMC

My Lead's Business Card

Yesterday or the day before that, my supervisor, Christina, received a call from the lady, Carmen, who I was covering for at my job at PADI. Christina was really excited and happy. I as glad to hear that Carmen was coming back, but I knew my time at PADI was coming to quick end. I knew my time would run out, but I didn't knew it would end this soon. I mean my temp agency told me two months at PADI and my two months hit on December 8th...

Well, my supervisor didn't tell me anything about me leaving, but I knew it was coming. Carmen was coming back. She finally had clearance from her doctor to come back.

Also, on Friday, Christina did not tell me that it was time for me to go. She received a call from HR and I could tell by the way that she responded to the lady on the phone. I had my earphones on and so it seemed like i couldn't hear her, but I'm always aware of my surroundings and I could tell something was going to happen.

A few minutes later, the HR lady came. She came up to Christina who was seated and said, "Did you tell him?" Christina replied, "Do I have to?" with a sad look. It looked like she almost had a puppy dog look on her face. She really didn't want me to leave. And nor did I want to. The HR lady then said to her, "Do you want me to tell him?" Christina suggested yes and so the HR lady came my way.

She said to me that it was nice having me here and that they couldn't offer me a position and that Monday will be my last day. I told her I understood.

And so my last day had finally arrived. It was hard to believe, but I knew. I knew that this day would come. I had prepared myself, but it was still a hard pill to swallow. I had found a temporary stability in my life and it was now gone. Losing something is always so difficult, even if it's a job.

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