Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

"It's a great day"

“It’s a great day when we can sit outside here and eat dinner! It’s a great day when we can eat dinner and look at the water!” This is what Fiona announced as we sat down to dinner on the porch, complete with extra blankets which sister Tatum enjoyed. Fiona wasn’t here 90 minutes this morning and she had already gotten all the stuffies out for tea, painted the feet of a frog(not real) in the studio, played with the new paper mache chicken and Nemo the fish, gathered and said hello to all the faeries,(we'll take them to their circle in the forest...) got the big cardboard “carbox” down to “drive” and asked for, helped make, and ate a scrambled egg and toast. That was before lunch.

Things will be active the next few days......and fun!

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