The Rain’s a Pain But is Captured in the Frame.

A damp day for sure with my only outing being an emergency run to the Supermarket to prevent Bossess meltdown due to Coffee deprivation which may not have been pretty on a wet Sunday.
There was however a really good side to this as when we were unloading Suzz on our return The Boss noticed this view and decided that a shot with wet leaves, drips and falling rain would be really cool and so the adventure began.
This was not a day for photographic experiments and you can all imaging how this would have been done with raincoats, umbrellas, and waterproof cameras so there you are. Ready?

Right 3….2….1….Imagine……………………………

Ok so now you are feeling really sorry for The Boss I am authorised to tell you that this was shot from the garage, through a window (closed) and there was a tripod and a dog involved but we all stayed dry. Cold but dry.
Have you ever tried to photograph falling rain? It is all about shutter speed so you should check this out in LARGE and read the camera settings for the shutter speed required and the ISO to achieve that on such a grotty day. Oh and manual focus ‘Cos of the unopenable window.
Woo Hoo!!
Well after this lot The Boss and ME retired to the lounge and had a fun afternoon doing nothing. I checked out the heat transfer from our Gas fire and found it adequate…Just.

Gotta be LARGE just GOTTA

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