Another assignment...

I've been meaning to get this shot for about 3 weeks. It's an entry for the photo of the month for my work's photo club. It's meant to be anonymous so if there is any SLACers on here that are also in the photo club you'll know this is mine.

The theme for this month is "Technology" and I really like close up photos of electronic gubbings so I thought I'd add a bit of interesting light to liven it up.

I suppost I could pass this off as a BlipAssignment as a collection of electronic parts assembled into a computer. Buuuuttt..... that's a bit of a stretch in my opinon. Anyways, I've got plenty other collections that I can use for another assignment entry. I don't have massive collections as I'm not much of a hoarder but I prefer to collect in quality rather than quantity.

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