Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths


Up early this morning, as our pickup, heading to Cat Tien National Park, was booked for 7.30pm. Our driver arrived at 7.10, which we were finishing breakfast, so a little rushed, but all good.

Transport in Vietnam is interesting if the destination isn’t served by train or air. You can travel on local transport, crowded and hot. Or you can take an organized tour. Or you can get a private car and driver. There’s also planes and trains to certain destinations. We’ve opted for the private driver for most of our transfers. That means our own car and driver (who might or might not speak English) and flexibility. Possibly also more safety … But at a cost, around $90 US per day, which frankly seeing the traffic and time it took today, worth it! Took just over 4 hours to get from Ho Chi Minh to Cat Tien, a journey of 125km …

Arrived pretty well at 11.30, and wondered where on earth we’d booked … very small, very hot, many grass huts … well, we wanted an adventure! Check in, and then we were escorted to our bungalow. A thatched hut, 2 double beds, 2 light bulbs, but yes, 2 fans and a shower and toilet, and mosquito nets. Very basic, but right next to the river and the outdoor dining area that is over the river.

Actually, really awesome! A super lovey family, and on investigation discovered why this is called an “eco stay” and has only 2 light bulbs per hut. All solar. A great array of panels and an invertor, and solar hot water.

After lunch and the obligatory cooling liquids, across the park to the river. 120 000 dong ($7) for the ferry ride and park access for the 4 of us. We found the park center and paid for tomorrows gibbon tour, and decided given the heat, that bikes would be the best way to explore. 30 000 dong per hour ($1.50) and several hours later, 12 km and some pretty average rapids to view, we returned. Easy riding along a mix of concrete and dirt road, the highlights being big Tung tree and Adam getting a leech on his leg.

Back to the lodge for a tropical downpour, dinner, and an early night. Early morning tomorrow.

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