Your a Star.....ling.

J dropped me at the gym early and guess who was there? Yes, it was Roger. He said he had missed me i can hear you all say aw I then told him that i had time to kill after the gym as i had to go to the doc's for a blood test . This was so the wrong thing to say, as he asked me to go for a cuppa . I declined again, and said i had to go to the bank i really did I think i make him flustered, as when when he got off the cross trainer he got his headphone leads wound around the bars. He said, look what you do to me. Oh dear! Luckily he left before me, so to kill time i went upstairs to read the paper in the library. I got to the doc's on time and waited 40 minutes for my blood test. It's a good job i wasn't going to have my blood pressure checked, as it would have been through the roof. I am not very good at sitting still. I caught the bus home and had a sandwich and a cuppa. I took some photos around town but they were a bit mediocre, so luckily for me, when i went down the garden this afternoon, this baby Starling, and his mum were on the fence. I rushed to get my camera and they were still on the fence. I got really close, and they didn't fly away. The baby was making funny little noises. I think he is super cute.

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