
By peteharper

Here's One For The Cookery Show!

Spinach, red onion and mozerella tart! Made by my own very hand B-j OK so it was packet pastry but I rolled it, I rolled it!! Tasted proper lovely too :)

This is a bit of a second best picture for today as I had originally hoping to take a blip of the green screen filming I was doing this morning but it was a bit of a rushed and hectic shoot and didn't remember til after. But it was a productive shoot, will only see if it's worked properly when I get to edit it, which won't be til next week.

Got a mention in the paper today for the Mongolian thing although they have spelt my name wrong - I've emailed them so it might look right by the time you look at it ;P

(Btw, if there's anyone out there that would like to tell how to do a proper link that's not showing the whole address etc etc, do please let me know...!)

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