Me, My Camera & I

By notgraham

And the cupboards were bare

They really were!
I had to go out tonight for some shopping - with there being pretty much nothing in the house other that a tin of soup to eat. This was all that was left of the bread aisle @ Cameron Toll tonight. Milk was all but done too.

My travels to Cameron Toll were not without incident either. The roads were mainly clear, but as usualy the car park was a ice rink. It wasn't till I got all my shopping in the car and was heading back that the fun started. Careful driving all the way home and I got home in one piece, till the driveway - Managed to get 1/3 of the way in before losing momentum and getting well stuck. Even a push from a nice passerby failed to get me in.
So, spades out for a bit of digging. It wasn't till I started digging that I found the ice is about 1.5" thick under the wheels!!!
Anyways a bit of digging and a bit of rocking and I got the car back in the drive - just.

Don't think we'll be going anywhere soon if tonight's performance was anything to go by. Good thing I did a bit of stocking up then.

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