point and press

By crispinhj



For supper. Stir fry actually, and it's one of my favourites, get a basic bag of rainbow stirfry and add your own extras. In this case asparagus, carrots, mushrooms and onions. Fry then teem in a bit of soy sauce, sesame oil, vinegar and chilli. The packet says it's good for you too.

The bowl the carrots are in has a large chip that it's always had since I bought it in a junk shop in Brittany almost 25 years ago. It's a pre-war breakfast bowl to have your milky coffee in to dunk your croissant. It's got a peculiar dusky pink outside that I love

Otherwise a pretty busy day of paperwork. Gareth's out on site, while Sam's at home while Beth is having their new baby. I'm here firing out emails and ringing people. As our tiler said to me when I spoke to him, what people don't realise is that the hardest job is doing the paperwork and administration. I've always said Wayne was a very shrewd man.

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