Quite an Eyrie

Another snowy day. I stood waiting for the bus for about 25 minutes (they are supposed to be every 10 minutes) this morning in a shower that alternated between hail and snow. How jolly.

One of the things I love about working for small companies is that there is always lots of interesting stuff to do, and plenty of variety. There are few moments of boredom. I could have done with a few moments off today, but I did get a lot done, which is always rewarding. I did manage to grab this when I popped out for my lunch though - a wee moment for myself in a busy day.

I'm tired this evening, and I think I'm getting the tonsillitis that has struck down MrsCyclops. I may need to make a trip to the doctor tomorrow, which gets added to a long list of things to do. Still, on the up side I get to have lunch with a cousin I've not see for years!

Enough random ramblings for one day I think...

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