
Bumblebee in their everyday work to find food and raise a family. The buzzed so delicious that I listened to and decided that this is to be my blip for today.

Dear Blip friends today it is one , especially for me , big Blip day. I had thought when I started that it might be fun to post a picture now and then. Getting Blip in the blood is easy and difficult to get rid of . Getting so many amazing friends from all corners of the earth was a great bonus I did not expect , and this is probably the biggest reason why I continued to 1500 images. A great tribute to all of you who have English as your mother tongue , for your patience with me, as it has been like my second language. Imagine the incredible mistakes I made ​​through my Blip comment about the language but you 've been very forgiving. My English has in writing improved 100 times since my Blip start. Today , I get my longed- red camera so cool! I do not think I will be equally diligent to come with pictures, of course , it becomes Blip in the future. Thanks all friends here in the Blip community and especially thank you to you , you know who you are, who faithfully followed me through thick and thin . Love you folks

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