
By TynvdB

"Thalassa, Thalassa..."

How direct and liberating is this view of the wide open sea. Blue, pink-blue, darkblue, white, rippling blues, all to the Western horizon. And there I was standing again on that dune top this morning receiving first full sight over the sea. My “Thalassa, Thalassa” viewpoint where I make my first halt to look and most times to photograph from between the high dune grasses. Here raise the first all-out openings at the sea world of today.

And in a direct flash, communicating back into the depth of my soul, echoing there, I receive my first feedback on the state of my Being There&Here. Between that horizon of infinite blue and the depth of my psyche, the first lines of a song may come through and resonate. As if a morning rehearsal suddenly starts. A new breathing widens my breast and takes in that endless broad laughing water plain, awakening a desire to let myself float away in the aquamarine arms of that Magna Matrix. Feeling in touch with the unfathomable and unknowable energies and rhythms of that ongoing streaming, ebbing and flooding of “my” North Sea fills me with wonder. Just from such a viewpoint, from where you can look down into this universe, being only that petty part, partner for life, still keeping that tiny distance.

You don’t have to wait your first dive into the salty green waves to release that distance. Don’t rush down to be the first at the wet sands of the peninsula. Wait, wait more and longer, try out a foreplay with half closed eyes to feel the slowly moving caresses of the white sails, one two, three and even more. Breath in full depth those sliding touch points, a fresh breeze coming up from the North. Old Boreas blowing in, making the grasses bend and shudder, sifting fine sand over your cheeks, Smell and taste the salty odours of Her Majesty.

She loves the movement of your nose. Giggling she waves back with all her brightly whitened handkerchiefs. “Come down over here, she winks, come down you little onlooking man,” she sighs softly but clearly, “come, lets play the whole thing in green and blue. Let me wet you into your pores, your sleepy eyes, your nosy brains and salt your flesh, let me sputter and shudder your bones and withdraw your feet from their earthly grip. Let us roll over until you flip-flop with your flippers.

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