
By ThereIsLove

Day 47: the project is back!

Some of you may have noticed that I haven't posted a picture-of-the day in quite awhile. This is mostly because I was feeling a bit vulnerable sharing my every day happenings with all of my Facebook friends. It opens me up to judgment and, let's be real, I like to be at least a little mysterious ;). I also felt like it might be annoying to some of you but then again I have some friends who post more than once a day so this can't be that bad, right? Anyways, I've had a few close friends ask me to keep it going so after some thought I decided they were right. The reason I started this project was mostly so I could look back on this year and see all of its struggles, joys, and feats in photographs. I also decided to go ahead and share it with close friends and family and the easiest way to do that is via Facebook. And maybe, just maybe someone will see these honest moments and won't feel so alone in their own struggles. I'm not doing this project to show off. I thinks it's pretty obvious from my previous photos that my life, though ridiculously blessed, is pretty typical and sometimes really boring. I'm doing this project to be real and to not conform to the "I'm only going to share the most amazing parts of my life on facebook" trend. So here we go again! I missed about a week but we'll pretend I didn't and just start where I left off. Today was pretty chill. We went to church in the morning then ate lunch and put Preslee down for a nap. I also took about a two hour nap. I have been sssooooo sleepy lately. Not good!!!! I think it's because I haven't been eating very healthy and have just been feeling kind of blah. I've fallen behind on a lot of things around the house, too so sometimes it's just easier to sleep and not have to look at the mess ;). After nap time we went to some volleyball courts and gave Preslee her first volleyball lesson. She loves that I'm actually giving her permission to hit something ;). We've got a star in the making, folks! I've also decided not to do CrossFit anymore. There are a lot of reasons why but mostly we just can't afford it right now. So tomorrow morning I'm waking up bright and early to do some yoga and start the Insanity DVDs. Beastmode!!!! Until is my memory verse for the week..."The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17

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