Still Here!

By Yorkhull

Moving bee!

I am trying to capture moving objects like insects, bees, birds etc with singular lack of success. I spotted some bees this morning as I left the house. Grabbed the camera and walked quietly across the front garden. Of course they fly off in all directions and I get an assortment of flowers, usually in a blur and no bees. Today I managed to get just one and though it may not have the quality of many more experienced bee blippers it is my first 'success'.

Out tonight so not much time left to blip so settled for this, the flower looked ok anyway! I hope to catch up on blip commenting later if my meeting is not too long.

Its Tuesday now so the week is slowly meandering forward towards my appointment though yesterday I got an abrupt reminder of the reality of our uncertain lives. Yesterday one of our group on our online cancer support group sadly passed away. Even though he had been very ill for a while it is always a shock and a sadness. At least his wife got him home just in time so he died peacefully in his own home. RIP Mick!

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