
A relatively easy day with a short hop to the ferry port at Roscoff and the six hour trip home. We look forward to our last holiday meal on the return journey but sadly on Brittany Ferries the restaurant is no more, replaced by a self service restaurant which provides good food at reasonable prices but not quite the same as that Captain's Table or whatever it was called. Ferry crossings are just so boring, I don't fancy the cinema and tend to settle down with a book. I prefer a night crossing when at least I can attempt to sleep the journey away.

It was great to meet up with Peter and Jane last night. We had a meal together that started at 7.30 ish and went on for about 3 hours.

We took a little detour through St Pol de Leon before getting on the ferry and walked down to a beach. I nice rocky shore but I didn't think it was a very interesting scene. behind the beach however there were fields of globe artichokes growing and I thought they made a good blip. It's a species of thistle you know.

It's going to be great to sleep in my own bed tonight, lovely though it's been to be away for almost a month. I think I'll head off there now.


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