Expectations and Letting Go

I really wanted to have a hummingbird photo for my blip today, but despite a considerable time spent watching and waiting, the dull light foiled my attempts to take reasonable photos of the tiny birds whizzing in for quick drinks at our feeder.

Out in the back garden again, I attempted arty shots of Japanese maple samaras and roses in various states of decrepitude, in between pulling weeds and pruning branches of various over-enthusiastic shrubs. Next I tried to "capture" photos of a couple of bees on the columbine (aquilegia) flowers, but met with no success there either.

So my expectations for today's blip have not been met, and today's subject is the same as Sunday's, but I've decided that it doesn't matter, because I really like this image! It reminds me of my own life -- some things in full bloom, others nascent and waiting, and still others over and done with.

All in good time...

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