
By SueT123

Study in blue

Two days after my 'blip birthday' this is actually my 365th consecutive blip!!
Now, I may be taking some days off and then may be blipping slightly intermittently.
I really enjoy blip immensly but at the moment I am feeling rather stressed as I have a lot do do for my Mum, since she is in the home and we are going to have to sell the house and so on.
I am doing a lunch on Sunday for 100 people at Church, which with the shopping and preparation will take quite a lot of time.
I am going down to Mum's next week for three days and then after having been to my M in L's the following week for 2 days will be going back to Mum's for 2 more days.
The following week we are going to Italy cycling for a week with my brother and S in law (who are cominig over from New Zealand for 5 weeks), and my cousin and her husband which I am really looking forward to and hence the spinning classes and 38 mile training cycle ride on Monday!
The following day I am swapping suitcases and flying to meet my new grandson in New Zealand where I will be for 9 weeks which of course I am very excited about. My daughter will be on her own for 2 weeks while her husband is in the USA so I will be helping look after Zac who will be about 7 weeks by then . (My husband is coming 10 days later as he is doing some examining and is in two concerts!!)
So there you have it in a nutshell, I will pop in and out of blip as often as I can and thanks to all my blip friends for their encouraging and helpful comments and their inspiring blips xx

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