Marquicks by the Sea

By KarenMarquick

We found two Nemo's

It's been a bit of a day!

Samuel woke up this morning at 4am and managed to sneak downstairs to eat nearly a whole packet of biscuits, cheese, half a bag of sweets, a yoghurt and two bowls of cereal. He then hid all evidence under his bed.

Once he was packed off to schools things calmed down a little, but I am now suffering with Neuralgia. I first had it in 2012, I was in agony on the right side of my face. To begin with the doctor thought it was sinusitis, but then I was sent to hospital and was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia. I have to take medication for epilepsy as the pain is caused by a nerve and that particular medication stops the nerve reacting (well that's roughly what I remember the doctor saying).

Anyway, the neuralgia comes and goes and is currently back again, thankfully only mildly, but I've run out of medication after the last attack so will have to take a trip to the GP tomorrow for more.

I wanted to do some exercise on my bike, but instead I dragged Samuel out for a walk at the beach this evening - in the hope of burning off a few of the biscuits he ate this morning.

We enjoyed looking at the different coloured beach huts and their names, and we found one hut with two nemo's on the door.

Here's some of the others: Beach Hut Names

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