DDW Challenge; at the movies. Duck Soup

I’m looking through my old book of Marx Brothers’ movie scripts and stop at the Duck Soup page. Anniemay leans over my shoulder; “there you go then. Sorted”. It’s not quite that easy; how to make a page from a book look visually interesting? She kindly loans me some of her plastic ducks and I play around with a torch and window light for a while.

The lone duck on the next page represents Zeppo who was always the straight man to the other three. He left after Duck Soup to become a successful theatrical agent.

It’s often said that humour doesn’t travel - implying what is funny in one culture, may not be so in another. But I wonder if ‘travel’ should also include ‘time’ as well as space. My parents never liked the Marx Brothers, but as a teenager I loved their films and roared out loud at jokes like the one on this page (and still recite on occasions). But apart from that line, I’m not sure if I would find the rest of it quite so funny now.

Apologies to those outside the UK for whom the following may be meaningless; I still find Morecambe and Wise and Tony Hancock funny. And I have a book of scripts for The Glums should the need ever arise.

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