4years 229days

It was glorious sunshine when Katie and I woke this morning. Her nursery had a sponsored walk planned, their annual toddle waddle for the Meningitis Trust. So I offered her the choice of ballet show rehearsals or the sponsored walk. She chose the walk. It almost immediately clouded over. We set off to the post office before the walk. It absolutely heaved it down. We were soaked before we even got to nursery.

Despite the rain, the children were in fine spirits and complete with branded nursery umbrellas, the baby bus, a Shrek and lots of their lovely staff, we set off on the little walk. The rain stopped for a sum total of around 4 minutes. Other than that, it rained the entire time. But they had a great time and all bar one of the children walked the whole way.

They got back to nursery and enjoyed crispie cakes that the preschool had made yesterday. A group of them discovered that outside had some pretty impressive puddles. They had an absolute ball. Despite tucking her dress in her (new mama-made) pants, Katie was soaked and she was one of the tidiest of her fellow puddle-jumpers. Three wee boys puddle jumped, went in the sand, then played in the dirt pit-now mud pit. Fabulous fun.

If you would like to sponsor Katie, every single £1 would be very gratefully added to her sponsorship. I can give my paypal details to any of you who would like to!

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